Are you a Christian?
Are you a Christian? Rather, are you a True Christian?
Do you believe any of the following? See if you believe the mainstream...
Once I have said a prayer, inviting Jesus into my heart, I'm a Christian and nothing else is necessary.
Jesus is a lower sub-God, the Son, not the Father, a separate "person" who is part of a Triune being.
I go to church as often as I can, so that makes me a Christian.
I try to sin as little as possible, so that makes me an obedient follower of Jesus.
God loves me where I'm at, and it doesn't matter if I sin because that's all been washed away by the blood of Jesus.
I pursue my life goals and Jesus is on my side, making things better for me to be happy.
I told God I was sorry for sinning, even though I didn't need to do that, so I'm a Christian.
I got baptized, so I'm a Christian.
I belong to the Catholic, Protestant, Lutheran, Baptist, etc., church, so I'm a Christian.
I say I'm a Christian, so I'm a Christian.
Nothing could ever change the fact that I'm a Christian and I'm saved no matter what I do.
I worship "God", and we all worship the same God, so it doesn't matter if I believe in Jesus, I believe in God so I'm saved.
I'm gay, but God made me this way, so it doesn't matter since I believe in Jesus.
I'm not gay, so since I don't perform that abomination, I'm saved even though I have other less sinful things in my life.
I feel really good about my life choices in pursuit of happiness, so it must be God making me feel this way, and I must be feeling the Holy Spirit.
I don't judge others so I'm not going to be judged and that means I'm saved.
I don't do mean things to other people, so I'm a good person and I will go to heaven.
I'll repent when I see Jesus at judgement day, and He'll forgive me then, so I've got it covered.
All of my unbelieving friends think I'm a really great person, and I tell them it's because of Jesus while we party together, so I'm saved.
I don't need to worry about all that End Time prophecy stuff since it won't affect me.
I haven't read the Bible, but my friends and family all believe the way I do, so I'm sure it's the truth.
I love love, and it doesn't matter what I do as long as I love while I'm doing it.
I'm not a murderer so I'm good and I have no sin.
I've confessed with my mouth that I believe in Jesus, and I have a wonderful life, good income, great family, so I must be in the will of God.
God would never allow anything bad to happen to those who believe in Him.
I put my family above everything and defend them with my life, so I'm a good person and I'm saved.
My heart tells me all is well and I feel so good, so I trust that.
If you believe any of that, you have not read your Bible and allowed it to instruct, reprove and correct you as is its purpose!
2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
I'm totally serious here!
If you believe any of the above nonsense, you are in grave danger!
Are you a Christian, or are you really just a Catholic Churchian?
Catholicism is a false religion.
Tell me where this says anything about Jesus?
Being a Catholic and submitting to the Pope means absolutely NOTHING. It is a false religion!
Churchianity is a false religion.
Going to church does not save you!
We must believe in Jesus to the saving of the soul Not some frivolous belief that is in vain!
1 Corinthians 15:2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain…
And we must follow Him, denying ourself and our worldly desires in repentance and obedience.
This is the gospel!
Visit and read section 2- Biblical Truth, especially chapter 14!
Seek God and His truth! Dispel the lies of Satan and Churchianity! Love God and seek Him in His Word!
Click this link to read my notes on the Truth of God's Word.
The Truth of God's Word...