The CopyCat prophecies of Satan


Satan has the whole world sitting on the edge of their seats, awaiting the false prophecies that he will use to fool them when the real prophecies of the Bible come to pass. Jews are awaiting the Moshiach, and the rebuilding of the Temple.

Muslims are awaiting their Mahdi, Muslim Jesus, and the Caliphate.

Deceived Christians are awaiting a rapture that comes first and will be caught with their proverbial pants down.

Hindu/Buddhists, Universalists, Scientologists, etc., are awaiting a grand transcendence of mankind.

Catholics are awaiting their Great Monarch and the Final Glorious Pope.

Satan is setting up the world for an alien invasion…

And Satan has already fooled billions of people with his lies about Evolution.

Everyone who believes these lies will be fooled completely by the Antichrist and False Prophet when they appear on the world scene...

Let's start at the top and work our way down the list:

The modern Rabbinic Jews are awaiting the imminent arrival of the Moshiach (the messiah)!

Since Satan knows the temple will be rebuilt and Jews will resume animal sacrifices, he has set them up to believe this is necessary to bring in the Messiah (because they don't believe Jesus was the Messiah).

The deception he has set up for Israel is different than the other false religions, because these are things that will actually happen the way God said, and Satan didn't need to create a duplicate mirrored prophecy, he only needed to twist it so that the modern unbelieving Jews will believe it's part of their path to what they believe will be the coming Messiah.

Some say the Moshiach (messiah) is here already, in hiding, and has chosen not to reveal himself yet.

Since the Bible says Israel will be restored and then the end comes, they believe that Moshiach will come now that Israel is restored.

Both Rabbis and Kabbalists (Jewish mystics) believe and teach these things.

They believe we're in the Moshiach Era now.

If you've studied Bible prophecy, and understand the timeline God gave us, you know that it's impossible for the actual Messiah to come in less than a year. So, we know that if a man does appear on the scene that they claim is the Moshiach, it will be an impostor. A false Christ.

What is very interesting is that these timelines do connect with the real timelines in unique ways.

We know that the return of Jesus is imminent, and that it's definitely at the point in time, now, that will end the current era and begin the millennial reign of Jesus Christ. We are at 6000 years from Creation, and most certainly in the Last Days right now.

This Moshiach they're waiting for is expected to be a man who is a descendant of David, who is a Jewish leader who, (a) toils in the study of Torah and is meticulous about the observance of the mitzvot, (b) influences the Jews to follow the ways of the Torah and, (c) wages the "battles of G‑d"; then such a person is the "presumptive Moshiach."

They say that when this person succeeds in all these endeavors, and then rebuilds the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and facilitates the ingathering of the Jews to the Land of Israel; then we are certain that he is the Moshiach.

Moshiach is not identified by his ability to perform earth-shattering miracles. In fact, he isn't required to perform any miracles at all (although the performance of miracles doesn't disqualify him either).

So, when the Temple is rebuilt in Jerusalem, after the Confirmation of the Covenant, their Moshiach is supposed to be someone who is instrumental in making that happen.

They will lift him up as their awaited Messiah.

But, remember what happens at the Abomination of Desolation? The Antichrist will stop the sacrifice and oblation, and sit in the Temple of God claiming that he is god.

He will break the peace agreement and cause the Jews in the area of the West Bank to be slaughtered by the Muslims. Jesus said this would happen in Matthew 24, when He referred to the area of Judaea, which is the West Bank today.

I would be willing to bet you a million bucks that he will also kill this man who the Jews believe is their Moshiach.

So then they will know it wasn't really the Messiah, and many will likely fall for the False Prophet who will be doing miracles and claiming to be Jesus.

Those that don't will be hunted down and killed.

He also hates Jews, so he wants to kill them all. He will make them lose hope, demoralize them, and then hunt them down and kill them.

The scriptures in Zechariah 13 show us that two thirds of the Jews will be killed before Christ does return at the end of the tribulation.

And that the remnant will be brought “through the fire” to be refined. This is most likely referring to the time of the Millennial reign of Christ where at least some of the Annual Feasts will be reinstated, and likely part of the Law. Jesus will reign with a “rod of iron”. It will not be easy like it is now.

We are in the period of grace, today. This will be over when Jesus returns, but God must have a way to salvation for those who remain alive during the 1000 year reign. Otherwise, why would He even bother with it? He obviously has a plan of salvation that will be made known when He returns.

So, Satan has the Jews awaiting the Moshiach, and the rebuilding of the Temple.

The Moshiach might rebuild the Temple, but the Antichrist will destroy it all when he takes over and claims to be god.

Now, let's look at the false prophecies Satan set up in Islam.

These are exact duplicate prophecies, where the bad guys of the Bible, the Antichrist and the False Prophet, are the good guys of Islam, the Mahdi and the Muslim Jesus.

Satan has set this up to fool billions of people lock, stock, and barrel… totally and completely!

I have a video on where Islam came from in my False Religions playlist. It is a very old false religion that started with the Moabites in the Old Testament. It began with Baal worship, which God condemned. The moon god, Allah, was what Muhammad used to create his new monotheistic religion back in the 7th century, and that pagan moon god was passed down from the Moabites. See my videos on false religions to see the Islam one.

So, let's look at those exact duplicate prophecies the devil set up.

Satan knows true prophecy because he's had the word of God to study for thousands of years now, and he knows that what God said would happen, will happen. He knows it better than any man. And he set up prophecy in Islam so perfectly in step with Biblical prophecy that it will seem like it's their prophecy coming to pass when the prophecies of God come to pass.

But, their good guys are really the bad guys…

Here's a list of 21 of the prophecies. These are also listed on the web page shown on the screen, which includes the references for each prophecy if you want to look them up yourself.

In the Bible: The Antichrist is an unparalleled political, military, and religious leader that will emerge in the last days.

Islam: The Mahdi is an unparalleled political, military, and religious leader that will emerge in the last days.

In the Bible: the False Prophet is a secondary prominent figure that will emerge in the last days who will support the Antichrist.

In Islam: the Muslim Jesus is a secondary prominent figure that will emerge in the last days to support the Mahdi.

In the Bible: The Antichrist and the False Prophet together will have a powerful army that will do great damage to the earth in an effort to subdue every nation and dominate the world.

In Islam: The Mahdi and the Muslim Jesus will have a powerful army that will attempt to control every nation of the earth and dominate the world.

In the Bible: The False Prophet is described essentially as a dragon in lamb's clothing.

In Islam: The Muslim Jesus comes bearing the name of the one that the world knows as 'The Lamb of God, Jesus Christ." Yet the Muslim Jesus comes to murder all those who do not submit to Islam.

In the Bible: The Antichrist and the False Prophet establish a new world order.

In Islam: The Mahdi and the Muslim Jesus establish a new world order.

In the Bible: The Antichrist and the False Prophet institute new laws for the whole earth.

In Islam: The Mahdi and the Muslim Jesus institute Islamic law all over the earth.

In the Bible: The Antichrist is said to "change the times."

In Islam: It is quite certain that if the Mahdi established Islam all over the earth, he would discontinue the use of Saturday and Sunday as the weekend for days of rest but rather Friday, the holy day of Islam. Also, he would most certainly eliminate the Gregorian calendar and replace it with the Islamic calendar used in every Islamic country, RE: 2024 is year 1439 in Islam.

In the Bible: The Antichrist and the False Prophet will both be powerful religious leaders who will attempt to institute a universal world religion.

In Islam: The Mahdi and the Muslim Jesus will institute Islam as the only religion on the earth.

In the Bible: The Antichrist and the False Prophet will execute anyone who does not submit to their world religion.

In Islam: Likewise, the Mahdi and the Muslim Jesus will execute anyone who does not submit to Islam.

In the Bible: The Antichrist and the False Prophet will specifically use beheading as the primary means of execution for non-conformists.

In Islam: The Mahdi and the Muslim Jesus will use the Islamic practice of beheading for executions.

In the Bible: The Antichrist and the False Prophet will have a specific agenda to kill as many Jews and Christians as possible.

In Islam: The Mahdi and the Muslim Jesus hate Jews and Christians and will kill as many as possible until only a few are left hiding behind rocks and trees.

In the Bible: The Antichrist and the False Prophet will attack to conquer and seize Jerusalem (the battle of Armageddon).

In Islam: The Mahdi and the Muslim Jesus will attack to conquer and seize Jerusalem for Islam.

In the Bible: The Antichrist will set himself up in the Jewish Temple as his seat of authority (the abomination of desolation).

In Islam: The Mahdi will establish the Islamic caliphate from Jerusalem.

In the Bible: The False Prophet is said to do many miracles to deceive as many as possible into supporting the Antichrist.

In Islam: The Mahdi himself is said to control the weather and the crops. His face is said to glow. We can also assume that since Jesus is viewed as having been empowered by Allah to work miracles when He was here on earth the first time, He will most likely be expected to continue to do so when He returns.

In the Bible: The belief at the time of Muhammad (and still believed by some people today) was that the Antichrist is described as riding on a white horse in the Book of Revelation.

In Islam: The Mahdi is described as riding on a white horse (ironically in the same verse in Revelation).

In the Bible: The Antichrist is said to make a peace treaty (with many) with Israel for seven years (the Confirmation of the Covenant).

In Islam: The Mahdi is said to make a peace treaty through a Jew (specifically a Levite) for exactly seven years.

In the Bible: Jesus the Jewish Messiah will return to defend the Jews in Israel from a military attack from a vast coalition of nations led by the Antichrist and the False Prophet (the battle of Armageddon).

In Islam: The Dajjal, the Islamic Antichrist, will gain a great Jewish following and claim to be Jesus Christ and fight against the Mahdi and the Muslim Jesus.

In the Bible: The antichrist spirit specifically denies the most unique and central doctrines of Christianity, namely the divinity of Jesus, the incarnation of God in the flesh, and the substitutionary death of Jesus on the Cross.

In Islam: Islam doctrinally and spiritually specifically denies the most unique and central doctrines of Christianity, namely the divinity of Jesus, the incarnation of God in the flesh, and the substitutionary death of Jesus on the Cross.

In the Bible: The primary warning of Jesus and the Apostle Paul was to warn Christians of the abundance of deceit and deception in the last days.

In Islam: Islam is perhaps the only religion on earth that practices deceit as one of its tools to assist its own ascendancy. It actually has a specific doctrine which allows and even calls for deception to be used to achieve its desired end.

From the Bible and history we learn that the final Antichrist empire will be a revived version of the empire that succeeds the Roman Empire (the iron mingled with clay of Daniel 2).

In Islam: The empire that succeeded the Roman Empire was the combined Holy Roman Empire in parallel with the Islamic Ottoman Empire.

In the Bible: When the Antichrist emerges, a system will already exist poised to receive him as a savior and to give allegiance to him.

From Revelation 13 and 17, Daniel 11, and events that we know will happen, like the 6th trumpet war, we can see how the Bible shows us this is all being orchestrated right now with the "New World Order" where Satan is setting up the Stage for him to rule the world.

In Islam: Islam is already the second largest religion and combined with Christianity constitutes over half of the worlds population. Islam awaits the coming of the Mahdi with universal anticipation. The Catholic church and many Christian churches believe that the Muslims will be saved just like Christianity will be, and believe that they worship the same God as Christianity. It's a very short step to convert to Islam if that is believed to be the truth.

We can see that the whole world will be fooled by the false prophet and the Antichrist, including the Muslims and the Catholics!

The Muslims will believe it is their Mahdi, while the rest of the world will follow the interfaith movement into believing that being a Muslim is the same as Christianity in that we all worship the same God and therefore will enjoy the same salvation.

The Catholic church has already included Islam as part of God's people and many Christian churches are following this false belief. This means that everyone who is fooled by this will think it's perfectly ok to convert to Islam.

Satan will fool more than half of the world with this lie!

Doesn't it just blow your mind to see how Satan has set up the entire world with this, what I call the Great Lie...?

So, you can certainly see how the Jews and the Muslims will be so utterly fooled by the false prophecies set up by Satan.

But it doesn't stop there.

Christians, Catholics, and Muslims constitute over half of the population of the world, and Satan wants us all...

Remember, Satan is not some dumb little spirit... he's a very powerful fallen angel who has almost complete control of this world!

He's not dumb enough to try to fight religion. He knows that would never work because, as God said in Romans 1, we all know of God... it's built into us.

No, he's not fighting religion, he's producing counterfeit religions that cater to man's desire for glory and feeds his pride.

And he's produced a counterfeit Christianity that looks so much like the real one that it can be hard to distinguish if you don't understand scripture!

There are many, many false prophecy interpretations that Churchians have been led to believe.

I call them Churchians because modern church-goers are really part of a form of Churchianity that is not at all like the Christianity in the New Testament.

It's a very Catholic type of religion in the vast majority of the popular mainstream Christian churches today.

If you haven't seen my video on 24 of the Lies in the Church that Satan has planted, take a look at that to see some of the lies being taught.

Many of the false teachings, especially in prophecy interpretation comes from the 19th century... most "prophecy teachers" today are just regurgitating the lies they've been fed and passed down from generations ago.

These lies were created by satan so the church will be caught in the snare that Jesus warned of in Luke 21:34 through 36. The snare He mentions is that, "that day would come upon you unawares"... you'll be caught with your pants down...

Just as He warned us not to be caught naked in Revelation 16:15.

Satan planted the idea that there will be some secret "rapture" that will take Christians out of the world before any of the bad stuff in Revelation happens...

This is one of Satan's greatest achievements among the churches...

This is why Jesus warned us to watch and be prepared!

It's really very simple. All we have to do is read and believe the words of Jesus and the Apostle Paul regarding this event.

Both of them unequivocally state that it will be after the Tribulation that the Lord appears in the clouds of heaven with power and glory, and gathers His elect.

This is just before He begins pouring out His wrath upon the wicked and disobedient people of whom He calls "the world".

If you haven't seen my article or video on the rapture, please take a look.

There are many, many scriptures that prove this point beyond what Jesus and Paul specifically told us in Matthew 24 and 2 Thessalonians 2.


We can see how Satan has set up the Churchians to fail, just like he has Judaism and Islam!

It will be a terrible crisis that Churchians are not prepared for and will likely result in the spiritual destruction of many!

And yes, there is more!

Satan has also created the idea, in many false religions, that mankind can transcend this physical existence and become god-like beings...

Hindu/Buddhists, Universalists, Scientologists, etc., and even Atheists, are all awaiting this grand transcendence of mankind.

These all have variations in belief, of course, but mostly adhere to the same ideology; that mankind is an immortal spiritual being that will experience many physical lives and eventually transcend the physical to become a powerful god-like being with unlimited capabilities.

It all depends on you and your ability to connect with the universal power in all of existence... once you achieve this enlightenment, you can transcend into whatever you desire to be...

This is the same lie Satan has been using since the Garden of Eden. His first lie to Eve was, "You can be as gods"...

It works so well on humans that he just continues to deceive with the same lie, over and over, simply changing some of the details of the false religions to attract all he can.

Even Atheists have a religion. It's called Evolution. They believe we'll eventually evolve and transcend just like other false religions.

With all these false religions, you can see that the entire world has been set up by Satan!

None of these people will believe any of the events were foretold by God, much less heed the warnings.

Satan has even created a belief in "aliens" to cover the Fifth Trumpet when it blows!

So, literally, the ENTIRE WORLD will be fooled by what the Bible calls the "lying wonders" of Satan!

When the final 3 Trumpets (the 3 Woes) blow, and when the Antichrist takes over the world with a miracle-working False Prophet to help him take complete control, the only people who will understand what's really going on are those who understand the prophecies, and understand these lies of Satan.

And this is why Satan has the world turning against Jews and Christians, because only those who truly love God, and believe He became a man in Jesus, will be able to see his deception.

But wait, you say? What about the Catholics? They're not subject to the same lies as the Churchians in the Protestant, et al, churches.

True. The Catholics have a similar duplicate mirror of prophecy that Satan set up, just like he did in Islam!

Understanding how the Muslims of the world will be fooled so badly by the False Prophet and the Antichrist becomes even more mind blowing when we understand how the Catholics of the world will also fall into this same trap:

It is incredibly eye-opening to learn that Catholic prophecy bears a very similar mirror of Biblical prophecy, where the Antichrist will be the "Great Monarch" and will be promoted by an "Angelic Pope" and they will fight the real Jesus (believing He is their antichrist) much the same as with Islamic prophecy.

Thus, Catholics will be prone to the same exact deception as Muslims and will think it's their prophecy coming to pass when in fact it's the Bible's Antichrist and False Prophet causing the world to worship the Beast, which is essentially Satan.

There are thousands of "prophecies" that have come from Catholics over the last 1700 years, and many conflict with each other, but there is a central theme of belief in The Great Monarch (which some believe is the second coming of Apollo), and the last Pope (St Malachy's prophecy of an evil 112th Pope, who just happens to be the current Pope Francis), and that this last Pope will work with the Final Emperor (The Great Monarch) to drive apostates out of Islam, Judaism and Christianity and combine all religions into one global religion.

Have you noticed that Pope Francis is doing everything in his power to make this happen during his reign?

As we've seen with Islamic prophecy, the devil engineered it so closely with Biblical prophecy that it will fool the Catholics into believing it is their prophecy coming to pass when in fact it will be the opposite and will be the Antichrist and False Prophet as told to us in the Bible.

Catholic prophecy mirrors Islamic prophecy of the Muslim Jesus (the final Pope) and the Mahdi (the final emperor) and the Dajjal (the real Jesus) when He returns to destroy the enemies of God.

So, it's a mind blowing revelation to learn how all these things will work together to fool the entire world!

Common belief is that this final emperor will appear on the scene at the same time as the final Pope.

Democracy will be seen as a failed system and the world will be ready to accept a socialist monarchy (already happening among the Western World's youth).

A "just war" will take place to drive out the "apostates", which will very likely end up being World War 3, the 6th Trumpet War of the Bible, and will kill over 2 billion people.

It is very likely that this war is that which causes the world to feel enough fear to put themselves in the hands of the Antichrist, whom the Bible tells us will obtain his kingdom and power by flatteries, and his brilliance with "a mouth speaking great things", and "by peace" will destroy many.

In the name of peace he will be fighting wars and subduing the world that did not already give him their allegiance. The Bible shows us the Lion, Bear and Leopard (most likely Britain, Russia and Germany) will align with the kingdom of the Antichrist (10 Islamic kings who give their power to what they believe is the Muslim Mahdi), and these 13 combined powers will subdue the remaining nations of the world.

Rome, and the Great Whore (the Vatican), will ride upon this union and the False Prophet will cause the world to worship the Antichrist through miracles done in the sight of men by the power of Satan.

We know from Biblical prophecy that the last ruling "broken, divided" co-empire was and is the Holy Roman / Islamic Ottoman empire, and that it will be the last kingdom ruling when Jesus returns. It is even possible that the Pope will crown the Antichrist (The Great Monarch) as King of the Holy Roman Empire.

Pope Francis has called the world to "get ready for the end time" and appears to believe these Catholic prophecies and may even see himself as the earths savior and believes himself to be this prophesied Pope.

He is the greatest promoter of Interfaithism and is working very hard to bring the world under a One World Religion, and the New World Order.

He has had Islamic prayer in the Vatican, has been to prayer in Islamic Mosques, and has met with the top Islamic Imam stating the "the meeting itself is the message".

Pope Francis is the "Evangelical Pope" and many Christian churches are following him and going back to their mother (the Great Falling Away). The new Christian church of today is becoming Chrislam and fulfilling prophecy by going back to their "mother of harlots".

We are well into, and well on the way to further Biblical fulfillment...

Jesus will be coming soon!

We can see that the whole world will be fooled by the false prophet and the Antichrist, including the Muslims and the Catholics!

The Muslims will believe it is their Mahdi, while the rest of the world will follow the interfaith movement into believing that being a Muslim is the same as Christianity in that we all worship the same God and therefore will enjoy the same salvation.

As stated, the Catholic church has already included Islam as part of God's people and many Christian churches are following this belief. This means that everyone who is fooled by this will think it's perfectly ok to convert to Islam.

The remaining people outside of Islam and Catholic Christianity will submit to the Antichrist as the "savior of the world", and will use whatever justification they need in their own minds to believe it's finally the "world peace" that they've been hoping for, to bring humanity to the next level of evolution.

Satan really does have the entire world completely fooled by these lies and false prophecies. He's copied the Bible so closely that when what God said would happen comes to pass, the world will not see it for what it is, but instead will believe the lies of Satan.

I'm sure glad that God has this all under control, and is only allowing this evil to continue so that He can save as many as will turn to Him in repentance as is possible.

In the end, Jesus Wins!

We know how this story ends. We've read the end of the book!

Those who love God have nothing to fear!

Praise the Name of the Lord! Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!

See more information on the Rapture here

False Religions...

Additional documentation on all the false prophecies discussed above:

Satan has the whole world sitting on the edge of their seats, awaiting the false prophecies that he will use to fool them when the real prophecies of the Bible come to pass.

Everyone who believes these lies will be fooled completely by the Antichrist and False Prophet when they appear on the world scene...