Mosab Hassan Yousef (the son of the ruler of Hamas) made the point that there is no moderate Islam in those that truly adhere to their faith, but this does not include the phony Muslims.
1. By phony, I mean those who do not truly believe but identify as Muslim for cultural reasons, maybe out of fear for their life, because their family is Muslim. Does this mean they are "moderate"? No, they will do whatever it takes to continue making their relatives believe that they believe, mostly out of self-preservation. These are they that will encourage their devout brother to commit the atrocities that they themselves do not want to do. Don't expect these so called "moderates" to stop their devout brother, or do anything to save you.
2. The second type are those who do not truly understand their own religion. I have seen and heard many testimonies of ex-Muslims who did not understand their own religion. And, I recently saw a video of a man talking about how he, as a Muslim, thought his religion was a peaceful religion, but as he grew to understand Islam and read the Quran, he came to understand that it is not a peaceful religion and that he was actually instructed to kill for Allah. This is a great example of how many Muslims, like Christians who never read their Bible, do not understand their own religion, and how the Imams (preachers of Islam) use the practice of Taqiyya (lying to assist the ascendency of Islam) on their own people and lure them in with promises of peace and love while they hope to bring them in deeper and turn them into devout Muslims who will die for them.
3. The third type are those who are purposefully and deceitfully practicing Taqiyya (deceit to assist in the ascendency of Islam). This is used by Muslims to placate those who would be a threat until they can either over-power them or defeat them from within by infiltrating their society. The leaders of Islam even use this on new Muslim converts to lure them in, and then slowly lead them to stronger and stronger doctrine as they become devout Muslims.
See this page to read more: Is Islam Violent?