The Bible tells us that the Old Testament is a shadow of things to come (Col 2:17 and Heb 10:1).
The feast days are outlined in Leviticus 23.
The Spring Feasts were a type and shadow of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Passover: on the 14th day of the first month at twilight - a High Holy Day (a Sabbath day)
Jesus' crucifixion: the Jewish calendar shows this to be on Nisan 14 in 32 AD
He died on Thursday, the day of preparation for the Passover Sabbath day
Feast of Unleavened Bread: on the 15th day - Holy Convocation (day 1 is a Sabbath day of no work) - a 7 day feast
Jesus' burial - Jesus' body was in the earth, buried in the sepulchre for three days
Feast of Firstfruits: The day after the sabbath
Jesus' resurrection
He rose again on Sunday morning, the day after the Saturday Sabbath (7th day of the week Sabbath day)
1 Cor 15:20 But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept
Pentecost: 50 days (seven Sabbath's after the Sabbath of the Firstfruits) after Christ's resurrection
The Holy Spirit was poured out on mankind
The Fall Feasts are a type and shadow of the triumphant Return of Jesus Christ!
Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashana): The Confirmation of the Covenant
Preparation for the coming of the Messiah: The Confirmation of the Covenant marks the start of the final 7 years (Daniel's 70th week)
In 2017 this period of time is today and tomorrow (September 21-22)
Watch the news and see if anything comes of the United Nations General Assembly this year! It is going on right now, from the 19th through the 25th.
Many recent news articles point to changes in the Arab world concerning Israel, and as I pointed out in the April 10th edition of my eNewsletter, Russia is one nation who has now acknowledged that Israel's capitol is Jerusalem! And, the Saudi's are making concessions concerning Israel stating they will become a "brotherly" ally of Israel, and many other interesting changes in the way the Arab world views Israel.
These changes indicate there is a possibility of a peace agreement being signed by the UN and likely forced upon the Palestinians.
What an exciting day that will be! Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!
See more information, here: The Confirmation of the Covenant
Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur): the Day of the Lord - His return
Trumpets and Atonement will likely erupt into holy history seven years apart. They likely mark out the introduction (the beginning of Daniel's 70th week) and the 'last day', the terminus to the final seven years of this age (the end of Daniel's 70th week).
Seven years after the Confirmation of the Covenant: Jesus will return in the clouds with power and glory, taking His people to be with Him in the air and then pouring out His wrath on the world (the children of disobedience).
Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot): New beginning - thanksgiving
The Marriage supper of the Lamb, the end of the things of this age, and the beginning of the millennial reign
It's just amazing and awe inspiring to me that we are alive in this day and are blessed to be witnesses of the fulfillment of prophecy! God is so amazing, isn't He?
He has given us the big picture and so many clues to the times and seasons, and it's obvious that the time is now.
What it will mean when this happens is; That we, the saints of God who understand what's going on, will be those spoken of by Daniel the prophet when he said, "Dan 11:33 And they that understand among the people shall instruct many…" and "Dan 12:10 Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand."
That mean us! We will be fulfilling prophecy and doing the work of the Lord by helping people to understand and know what's happening in the world, and how it will end! Woohoo!!! I'm so excited to be part of that!
Come, Lord Jesus! Praise your Holy Name!
To determine the likely year of His return, my thoughts are the following:
Considering several different variables, it seems most likely for the Confirmation of the Covenant to happen in the year 2025,
with the Return of Christ in the year 2032.
My reasoning is:
The lunar calendar is the basis for the Jewish calendar and when we look at the number of lunar cycles from year to year, it makes logical sense that the events will happen in a seven year lunar cycle that matches the time frames the Lord gave us concerning the time of the Antichrist. (I'm referring to the metonic cycles where the lunar years are encapsulated within the Gregorian calendar years to fit perfectly, but I don't want to take all the time necessary to go into that in this article.)
The seven year period of 2017 through 2024 matches this pattern and ends with a partial lunar eclipse around the time of the feasts
The next seven year period that matches is 2022 through 2029 and ends with a total lunar eclipse, but the eclipse is in December outside of the time of the feasts...
The next seven year period that matches is 2025 through 2032 and this period ends with the next Blood Moon Tetrad around the time of the feasts
The Blood Moon Tetrad in 2032 matches what we know about the final events
Rev 6:12-17 and Matt 24:29 - see Chart A, here: Chart A showing the final events of this age
And Chart B further down on that page: The moon becomes as blood or is darkened in Rev 6, Joel 2 and 3, Matt 24, and Zechariah 14.
This also aligns perfectly with what I believe (implicit in scripture) is God's timetable of 7 total days (1000 years X 7) for this part of His plan for creation before we move to the next stage into eternity. 4 thousand years (the first 4 days) from the creation of the universe and the earth, to His death, burial and resurrection at age 33 when His ministry was finished at His first coming (It's unlikely that on exactly January 1, year 1 Christ was born but is within a year or two plus or minus). Another 2 thousand years from then to now, for a total of 6 days so far. And then the final day, which will be the millennial reign of Christ.
It is also almost certain that we are in the very last of the last days before the coming of the Lord. It's extreemly unlikely that my generation will pass away before He returns, as He said in Matthew 24:35. All the signs He gave us in that prophecy are certainly coming to pass right now!
Also, when we look at all the other prophecies of the last days, the 4 spirits in the world (Revelation 6:1-8 and Zechariah 6:1-8), the 4 beasts (kings/nations) of Daniel 7 that become one in Rev 13, the "falling away" of true believers, the uprooting of the 3 kings of Daniel 7 and Revelation 17, etc... it's obvious in my mind.
The coming of the final 7 years is certainly imminent!
For more information, see the following pages:
What's going on Right Now, in Biblical Prophecy?