The LIES of Satan in the Church

24 lies of the devil

We understand the lies of the devil in the world and false religions, but what about his lies in the church?

The devil uses videos, tv, movies, books, etc., to condition us, as I mentioned in the previous eNewsletter. But, do we understand that he also uses the pastor in your church pulpit as well?

The devil has thousands of lies in the churches, depending on your denomination, or even which church in that denomination, since each church has variations within denominations, and which "church" in Christianity; Catholic, Protestant, Baptist, etc., etc.

We're going to look at just a few of those lies today, but only of those that he's seeded in the churches.

The below is a list of 24 of the lies Satan has planted in the churches...

Number 1: Interfaithism...

Number 2: God is going to give us riches and happiness in this life...

Number 3: There is no need to fear God...

Number 4: Just say a prayer and that's it...

Number 5: There is no need to repent...

Number 6: God loves you just the way you are...

Number 7: God wouldn't make us suffer...

Number 8: Homosexuality is worse than other sins...

Number 9: Baptism isn't important...

Number 10: Loving God is not important...

Number 11: We are no longer under the law so obedience is not required...

Number 12: Trust your feelings...

Now, if you first saw this video or document and said to yourself that there are no lies in your church, think about those 12 things we just discussed and discern if any are hiding there, under the church belief system.

I have never been in a church that doesn't have at least one lie buried in their doctrine, hiding behind other doctrines that are true.

Now, let's take a look at 12 more! Remember, this is just a small subset of the lies Satan has woven throughout the churches!

Number 13: Judge not...

Number 14: Don't ever say anything that would hurt someone's feelings, because Jesus never did...

Number 15: There will be a second chance at judgement day...

Number 16: The bible doesn't say that...

Number 17: We can stay involved with worldly people...

And now for a couple of VERY controversial lies that might just make you very uncomfortable to hear, but please, for your sake, study it out and prove it in the scriptures! Don't just believe what you've been taught! Have you read the entire Bible from cover to cover? Have you studied to prove the doctrines you've been led to believe?

Have you noticed how a lot of these lies all tie into continuing in sin? It's all geared toward making us complacent and to make us take God and salvation for granted. Satan wants us to be happy in our sin. He wants us to believe we're saved no matter what we do.

And the devil does not want us to have the power of God in our lives. Because that's how we BEAT HIM.

Number 18: Once Saved Always Saved...

Number 19: The doctrine of the Trinity...

Watch this short Video!

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Number 20: The Antichrist is some type of a system, or the devil himself...

Number 21: The 3rd temple is our bodies...

Number 22: All prophecy of the End Time has already happened...

Number 23: Daniel 2 is a parallel prophecy of Daniel 7...

Number 24: The rapture, or the gathering of the saints, comes before the Seven year Great Tribulation...

Remember, this is just a small subset of the lies Satan has planted in the churches. I would bet that, if you go to church, your church has at the very least one of these lies in it. Most churches have all of them! One little lie is all it takes to poison and dilute the entire truth... Read the Bible from cover to cover and dispel the lies of Satan!


For more information, see the following pages:


What does it mean to love my neighbor? And what is sin, really?

What is the Truth?

What must I do to be saved?